Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tembakan 3000 Meriam Malaka Hujani Portugis

Mengikut  rekod portugis meriam meriam melaka menghentam posisi portugis.

the Malays withdrawing, pursued by the protuguese, then the Portuguese retreating as their rear flank was attacked by waiting Malays in the sidestreets and alleys of the main road leading up to the mosque. At a crucial point, the Sultan and his son, Ahmad, mounted on war-elephants and led yet another drive which drove the Portuguese back to the bridge - but they were pushed back again by another charge from Portuguese pikemen. 

Seven hundred Javanese then attacked the Portuguese rear from the northern part of the city but they were scattered before they could reach the stockades on the bridge. Some fleeing Javanese jumped into the sea only to be slaughtered by Portuguese in boats. Reinforcing their position in the stockades, the Portuguese threw back another assault by the Sultan war elephants, stabbing them with their lances so that they turned tail and charged through the Malay ranks. Ahmad had his own elephant killed under him and was wounded in the hand. By 2 p.m. the Portuguese had advanced up to the mosque and large parts of the city were already set to fire. 

But the Portuguese attack was spent. They had many killed and wounded, they were suffering greatly from the heat and they were exhaused building stockades and fighting off counter-attacks. At dusk d'Albuquerque withdrew in boats, under the fire from Malay guns, matchlocks, spears, arrows and blowpipes. He took away with him at least fifty large bombards captured from the Malay stockades, and seventy of his wounded Of those struck by poisoned arrows, only one survived. The Malays now repaired the stockades on and around the bridge and redeployed most of their artillery there. The bridge was divided into sections with stout palisades and two more palisades were constructed on the river banks mounted with guns to command the approaches to the bridge from city and mosque. The leader of the Javanese mercenaries, Utimutira, had by now decided to throw in his lot with the attackers and sent presents to d'Albuquerque, promising him secret support.

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